The Montgomery County Law Library exists to serve the general legal resource needs of the legal community and the public.
The Law Library Staff can direct you to the resources that will help you with your legal questions. However, staff members are not attorneys and cannot answer your legal questions, recommend legal forms, or interpret the law. The staff can provide instruction on how to use the various resources available in the Law Library.
The Law Library is not a form repository and does not, as a rule, have blank forms for each legal action.
Additionally, the Law Library contains many self-help law materials in such areas as Family Law, Business Law, Bankruptcy, Probate and Landlord/Tenant Law. These resources contain sample forms that may be examined, and followed to develop a document that fits the needs of a particular legal situation. Law Library Staff will help patrons locate the materials containing particular types of forms, but cannot assist in the preparation or completion of legal forms.
All library materials are for reference only and may not be checked out of the Law Library.
The Montgomery County Law Library has an extensive CD-ROM database of legal resources available to its patrons. The Law Library also provides Internet access for its patrons. A directory of Internet legal resource sites is available in the Law Library. This booklet is meant to provide you with useful information to help you find valuable legal resources. Staff members are available to assist patrons in accessing legal information.
Hours of Operation: Monday - Friday from 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM.
Montgomery County Courthouse
251 South Lawrence Street
Montgomery, Alabama 36104
(334)832-1394 or FAX(334)265-9536